Monday, February 24, 2014

10 Things to Pray for That are Definitely God's Will

Jesus says in Luke 11, that if we ask, seek and knock we will receive, find and have doors opened to us.  Obviously, not everything we ask for in prayer appears magically when we want it.  Does Jesus give us some clue as to the kinds of prayer he always answers with a resounding, "Yes!"?  He sure does!  In the same chapter of Luke, we find a great clue on answered prayer--ask for what God tells us to ask or what he has promised to give.  Here are ten things you can pray for and know for sure He'll give you.  (Seven of the ten are found in Luke 11.)

  1. Ask for many to hold His name sacred.
  2. Ask for His kingdom to come.
  3. Ask Him to accomplish His will on earth as in heaven.
  4. Ask Him to provide enough for you to daily accomplish His will.
  5. Ask God for forgiveness, as you forgive others.
  6. Ask God to deliver you from temptations and evil.
  7. Ask to receive the Holy Spirit.
  8. Ask for wisdom about everything (James 1:5)
  9. Ask for God to send more people to work in sharing the good news of Jesus. (Matthew 9:38)
  10. Ask for unity among followers of Christ. (John 17:21)
Bonus:  If you run out of things to ask for in prayer, stop and listen for a bit, asking God to prompt you in prayer.  God still speaks and will show you what to pray for.  Sometimes, when you have no clue what to pray for, the Holy Spirit will pray for you.  Of course, God cannot ignore these prayers, since they come from His own heart to ours.